History 4130 Spring 2002    Exam 1

The Exam will consist of two parts. Complete both = 50 points

Part one: Identifications. Write a short statement identifying (who, what where, when--significance in Utah history) 10 of the following: 3 points each

Colorado Plateau    Anasazi                Dominguez-Escalante
Fremont People     Jim  Bridger            Ft. Buenaventura
Great Basin            Numic Peoples        Jedidiah Smith

John C. Fremont                 Walkara                    ZCMI
Second Great Awakening     Thomas L. Kane        Corrine
Hastings Cutoff                   Bear River Massacre   Council of Fifty

Eliza Roxey Snow                    Reynolds Case       
Mountain Meadows Massacre    United Order
David Burr                               Edmunds-Tucker Act

William S. Godbe            Woman's Exponent        Haun's Mill 
Protestant Campaign        "Cult of Domesticity"    "the Principle"

Part two: Essays. Write thoughtful, ordered essays (4-6 paragraphs) in response to two (2) of the following: (Use specifics from your reading and class discussions.) 10 points each

  1. Discuss Utah as a "known place" prior to the coming of the Mormons. Who "knew" this place, 1300-1840s? How was their knowledge transmitted?
  2. What is the notion of the "Mormon Gathering"? How was it realized in the Midwest and then Utah? How did it contribute to the fears and anxieties of non-Mormons?
  3. Utah is a territory from 1850 to 1896. How was it governed by the federal government? Was that governance unusual from other territories? How did that governance clash with the Mormon theocracy?
  4. Describe the expansion of commercial mining in Utah after 1869. Who were the investors? Who were the miners? Why did mining conflict with Brigham Young's notions of economic security?
  5. What measures did the LDS church take to gain control of Utah's economy 1850s-1880s? Why did this fail? Consider environmental reasons as well as outside pressures.