John F. Cavitt,
Ph. D. |
Associate Professor of
State University |
Avian Ecology Lab
Undergraduate Research
Contact |
Undergraduate Research
Opportunities in the Cavitt Lab

Student Research
Students are encouraged to assist in the
collection and analysis of data or to work with me to develop
and carry-out their own research. These students volunteer,
receive course credit through Zool 4800 (Problems in Zoology) or
are hired as field assistants. If you are interested in
participating in my research program please contact me and we
can discuss the projects available and requirements for
Undergraduate Student Theses
Thesis in
Zoology (Zoology 4970) provides students with the opportunity to
formalize their research experience into a larger project.
Typically, students conduct their research over a one to two-year
period and register for "thesis" during the time they write up the
study. Students are required to present the work as a departmental
seminar, and many theses have been published and/or presented at
national/state/local meetings. The thesis option is excellent
preparation for students interested in attending graduate school.

Recording data at a banding station. |

Checking Cliff Swallow nests. |

Observing parental behavior. |

Extracting bird from mist nest. |
Current and Recent
Undergraduate Research
Rogerson, Jared D. 2000. Sexual segregation in
introduced California Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis
californiana) on Antelope Island State Park, Utah. (View
abstract as pdf file).
Spears, Lori. 2001. The effects of avian pox on
plumage coloration in male House Finches (Carpodacus
mexicanus). (View
abstract as pdf file)
McKinley, Kristina. 2003.
Seasonal variation in the offspring sex ration of European
Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris).
Hill, Heather. In preparation. The effect
of female condition on parental care in the European Starling (Sturnus
abstract as pdf file)
Ray, Tyrun. In preparation. The use of
green nesting material by European Starlings (Sturnus
vulgaris) as a possible mechanism to reduce nestling
Summers, Nancy. In preparation. Clutch
size variation in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris):
a test of Lack's hypothesis. (View
abstract as pdf file).
McFarlane, Leslie. In preparation. An
examination of the Elaeophora schneideri and other
diseases of Moose (Alces alces shirasi) in Northern Utah.
Dickinson, Jannette. In preparation.
Evolution of coloniality in American Avocets.
Undergraduate Research
Experience in Biology
Undergraduate Research Experience in Biology is a program
offered through the Departments of Zoology, Microbiology, and
Botany. This program provides support for students
to conduct full-time independent research collaboratively
with a faculty mentor for ten weeks during the summer. Students
must apply to the program and upon acceptance will be matched
with a research mentor. Students selected for the program
receive a stipend ($2500) and a small allowance for research
Utah Ornithological Society
Students interested in birds should consider
joining the Utah Ornithological Society for a nominal fee.
A membership application can be downloaded from
the UOS website

Leslie McFarlane examines a moose as part of her
undergraduate thesis research (see left).

The moose is then released following the examination. |