Lecture Outlines And Overheads

The material for each lecture is outlined along with the corresponding require reading (and background readings in brackets).  Download the each lecture and bring it to class to keep track of the lectures and organize your notes. The lectures should be available the day of class.  The Powerpoints are web-based versions of the PowerPoint slides used in lecture. Downloading and reviewing the lecture outlines or slides is not a substitute for attending lectures.  I guarantee that you cannot do well in the course without attending!  

The material is organized around the exams and are broken down in approximately 5 week blocks. The calendar specifies dates for each lecture and dates of available of the quizzes, exams, and projects.

Part 1:  Why Psychology Practitioners need Scientific Training

Lecture 1:  Images of Psychology and Psychologists (Outline pdf
Reading: Stanovich, Chapter 1
Background reading: Amsel & Kay (2007)

Lecture 2:  Acronyms in the Helping Professions: A Guide to the Perplex (pdf, web site for acronyms: http://encouragementplus.com/a-guide-to-acronyms-in-the-helping-professions/)
Discussion 1: Is Psychology Scientific? (Informal Discussion Questions)

Lecture 3History, Prospects, and Problems of the Scientist-Practitioner Model (Outline pdf
Readings: Norcross & Castle, 2002, Franks, 1984
Background Readings: 
APA 1947; Benjamin & Barker, 2004; Dawes et al., 1989
Background Video: The Scientist-Practitioner Model for Idiots

Lecture 4The Practitioner-Scholar and Evidence-based Practitioner Models (Outline pdf)
Reading: Levant, 2005, Levant & Hasan, 2008,
Background reading: APA, 2005; Bauer, 2007, Spring, 2007 (but see APS, 2010 and APA's response -- Price 2009)
Assignment 1
Demo:  Exploring the EBBP web site.

Guest Speaker:  Dianna Rangel (Director of the Counseling Services)

Lecture 5:
Critiquing Pop Psychology: Invalid Techniques, Misconceptions, Media Psychologists, and Self Help Books (Outline  pdf)
Readings: Lilienfeld, Lynn, & Beyerstein, 2010 (Chap. 15); Rosen, Glasgow, & Moore, 2003
Background Readings: Benjamin, 1986; Glosgow & Rosen, 1998
Discussion:  Self Help Books

Part II: Becoming a Psychologist
Lecture 6:  Becoming a Psychologist: Careers Possibilities & Salary Expectations
Reading:  Landrum & Davis 3-5 (APA Career Site)
New Data:
Assignment 2

Lecture 7:  Majoring in Psychology  (pdf)
Readings: Landrum & Davis, 1, 2, & 13 (Psychwww site).
Workshop:  Working out the Major

Lecture 8: A Guide for Success: Classes, Psi Chi, Practicum, Research, Honors (pdf)
Readings:  Landrum & Davis, 7, 8 & 11
Background Reading:
Beins, 2002, Morgan & Korschgen, 1998
Guest:  Larry Hansen Career Services

Lecture 9:  Applying for a Job or to Graduate School (pdf)
Readings:  Landrum & Davis, 6
Background Readings: Buskist, 2001; Dalton & Beck (2008), Matlin & Kalat, 2001
Guest:  Larry Hensen Career Services.

Part III:  Thinking like a Psychologist

Lecture 10: How to Think like a Psychologist
Precise of Thinking Straight about Psychology 
Guest: Roundtable Discussion Seniors and Recent Graduates

Lecture 11:  The Foundation of Psychology as a Science (http://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/intro)
Readings: Stanovich 2-3 (pdf 2, also
Amsel's Model of Science), (pdf 3)

Lecture 12:  The Foundation of Psychology as a Science
Readings: Stanovich 4-6 (pdf 4) (pdf 5) (pdf 6)

Lecture 13:  Defense of the Methods of Psychology
Readings: Stanovich 7-9 (pdf 7) (pdf 8) (
pdf 9)

Lecture 14:  Probability and Statistics in Psychology
Readings: Stanovich 10-12
(pdf 10) (pdf 11) (pdf 12)

Part IV: Acquiring the Skills of a Psychologist

Lecture 15: Critical Thinking and Reading Skills (pdf)
Readings: Landrum & Davis, 9,

Research Readings: Amsel, Baird, & Ashley (2011), Thompson & Zamboinga, (2004)
Background Reading:
Cranney & Dunn, (2011).

Lecture 16:  Research Design Skills

Lecture 17: Statistics Skills
SPSS Tutorial

Lecture 18: APA Writing Skills
Readings: Landrum & Davis, 10
Lecture 19: Ethical Skills (pdf, APA Ethics Code)
Readings: Landrum & Davis, 12
Required Exercises


American Psychological Association. (1947). Recommended graduate training program in clinical psychology. American Psychologist, 2, 539-558.

American Psychological Association (2005). Statement on Evidence-based Practice in Psychology. Policy Statement on Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. Approved by Council, August, 2005.

Amsel, E., & Kay, T. (2008). After Introductory Psychology: The next course preparing psychology freshmen and sophomores for undergraduate research. In R. Miller, B. Beins, B. Rycek, M. Ware, E. Balcetis, R. Smith, & S. Burns (Eds.) Promoting the undergraduate research experience in psychology (104-108).Retrieved April 9, 2008 from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site: http://teachpsych.org/resources/e-books/ur2008/ur2008.php

Amsel, E., Baird, T., & Ashley, A. (In press).  Misconceptions and conceptual change in undergraduate students learning psychologyInternational Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education .

Barker, C. (undated).  Critical Thinking in Psychology, Downloaded from faculty.olympic.edu/cbarker/psychology/CriticalThinking/CriticalThinkinginPsychology.htm

Bauer, R. (2007). Evidence-based practice in psychology: Implication for research and research training. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63, 685-694.

Beins, B. (2002).  What should psychology majors know and what should they be able to do? Eye on Psi Chi, 7, 38-39.

Benjamin, L. T. & Baker, D. B. (2004). Clinical psychology. In From séance to science: A
history of the profession of psychology in America
. (pp. 32-80).  New York, NY: Thompson/Wadsworth.

Benjamin, L. T. (1986).  Surveying psychology's public image. American Psychologist, 1986, 41, 941-946.

Buskist W. (2001). Seven tips for preparing a successful application to graduate school in PsychologyEye on Psi Chi, 5, 32-34.

Cranney, J., & Dunn, D. (2011). Psychological literacy and the psychologically literate citizen. In J. Cranney and D. Dunn, The psychologically literate citizen: Foundations and global perspectives (pp. 3-12). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Dalton, J., & Beck B. (2008). Pathways to the helping professions: Graduate study in Clinical Psychology and related fields. http://departments.bloomu.edu/psych/pathwaysmain.pdf 

Dawes, R. M., Faust, D., & Meehl, P. E. (1989). Clinical versus actuarial judgment.  Science,  243, 1668-1674.

Frank, G. (1984). The Boulder Model: History, rationale, and critique. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 15, 417-435.

Levant, R (2005).  Evidence-based practice in PsychologyAmerican Psychologist, 36, 5.

Levant, R., & Hasan, N. (2008).  Evidence-based practice in psychology. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39, 658-662.

Lilienfeld, S. O.,Lynn, S. J., & Beyerstein, B. L. (2010). The five great myths of popular psychology:  Implications for psychotherapy.  In D. Daniel, Steven J. Lynn, & A. Ellis (Eds.) Rational and irrational beliefs: Research, theory, and clinical  practice (pp. 313-338).  New York:  Oxford University Press.

Matlin, M. E., &  Kalat, J. W. (2001).  Demystifying the GRE psychology test: A brief guide for studentsEye on Psi Chi, 5, 22-25.

Miller, G. A. (1969). Psychology as a means of promoting human welfare. American Psychologist, 24, 1063-1075.

Morgan, L. B., &  Korschgen, A. J. (1998).  How do I maximize my chances of getting a good job with an undergraduate Psychology degree? Eye on Psi Chi, 3, 27-28

Norocross, J. C., & Castle. P. H. (2002).  Appreciating the PsyD: The facts. Eye on Psi Chi, 7, 22-26.

Rosen, G., Glasgow, R., & Moore, T. (2003). Self-help therapy: The science and business of giving psychology away. In S.O. Lilienfeld, S.J. Lynn, J.M. Lohr, (Eds.) Science and pseudoscience in clinical psychology (pp. 399-424). New York, NY US: Guilford Press.

Spring, B. (2007). Evidence-based practice in clinical psychology: What it is, why it matters; What you need to know. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63, 611-631.

Thompson, R. A. & Zamboanga, B. L. (2004).  Academic aptitude and prior knowledge a predictors of students achievments in Introductory Psychology Journal of Educational Psychology, 96, 778-784.

Dept of Psychology
Weber State University
1202 University Circle
Ogden, UT 84408-1202
eamsel@weber.edu 801 626-6658