Introductory Psychology:
Study Page

You can complete a quiz from any computer connected to the internet by just clicking on the quiz you want to take.  You will be automatically connected to Chitester which will ask you for your ID, just enter your DaVinci ID number.  If you have ANY PROBLEMS, contact me ASAP by email, phone, IM etc.

To complete the quiz, you may use your notes and textbook to complete the quiz.  Feel free to discuss answers too.  These quizzes are meant for you to self-test and practice for the exam.  

Completing all 12 quizzes is required.  You will get full credit for completing a quiz as long as the grade is 90% or above.  You make take the quiz as often a you like in the time period that the quiz is available (check the calendar). 

You can review the correct answers on chitester or by clicking on the "correct answers" button as soon as the time period for the quiz is complete.  They will also be poster here, for you to download and use for studying for exams.

           Quiz 1:  Syllabus and Policy Quiz (correct answers)