Student Presentations

The Psych 4900 students (Fall 2004) were asked to prepare short PowerPoint presentation on their selected topic addressing adolescent risk taking, which was the focus of the class.  The following is a list of their efforts.
Student Name Topic (linked to PowerPoint)
Robin Buckwalter Can Biopsychosocial Processes Predict Substance Abuse for all Adolescents?
Brittany Freebairn Gender Perceptions in Justifying Date Rape
Marianne Froerer Adolescent Dating Violence: A New Risk Taking Domain
Tracie Brown Understanding Female Adolescent Aggression
Jina Hales Risky Gang Behavior
Lisa Hufstetler The Family's Influence on Adolescent Sexual Behavior
Jeramy Izatt Adolescent Male Prostitution
Joshua Schillo Peer Relation and Youth Violence: Which Kids Kill?
Jennifer Taylor Adolescent Gambling
Michael Thorn Parental Influence on Sexual Risk Taking: Does it Change Over Age?
Kyle Thorstensen Childhood Sexual Abuse & Risk-Taking Behaviors in Adolescence
Angela Waterfall

Adolescent Speeding as a Risk Taking Behavior

Andrea Welling

Adolescent Lifestyle Choices as Risk/Protective Factors