Adolescent Risk Taking:
Class Announcements
(please check regularly)

4/10:  I have posted details of the final paper (click here).

2/12:  Just a reminder that the Take Home Exam is available and due on Feb. 23 when the presentations first begin (the schedule is below).  The presentations are about 40 minutes long and involves summarizing and discussing the review article and one more in depth (preferably empirical) article.  I will be meeting students individually between 12:00 - 3:30 on Wednesday for about 20 - 30minutes to further discuss the presentations and possible discussion questions for students.  Please email me for a time -- first come, first served!

2/23: Tess, Anna, Katelyn
3/2:   Julia, Scott, Whitney
3/9:  Amanda, Amy

1/15: The Week 2 readings and BEFORE discussion are up. So for this week:

1. Do the readings for this week by Wednesday
2. Prepare a formal review of one of the papers for this week (not the Puberty Chapter)
3. Comment on the discussion board on the readings in the Week 2 BEFORE discussion.
4. Comment on the discussion board on the Adolescent Handbook book chapter you are interested in presenting for the Week 1 AFTER discussion.

1/11:  Lecture 1 is available

1/5I reestablished the link outlining the written reviews of required reading (click here).  Also, check out the Blackboard page for the class (click here). The blackboard site is the place to get weekly required readings and to take part in discussions.  Indeed, the extra hour of our three hour course is meant for you to be in discussion on the WebCT system.  I have already set up the first discussion, which I have placed in the Week 1 folder. Typically, I will set up two discussion from each week's class --one before lecture and one after.  Each week's discussion will be graded.  The on-line and inclass discussion is worth 20% of your grade. But more to the point, it will offer you a chance to weigh in thoughtfully on the issues before and after digesting the reading and lecture.